2025 Annual Hospital Lottery

your ticket can win more than once!

The Annual Hospital Lottery gives you the chance to win all year long – with just one ticket!

With over $35,000 in prizes to be won, including over 185 cash prizes, 1 year free hospital parking, a $500 gift card courtesy of Tim Brazeau, golf for 4 courtesy of Osprey Links, a $3000 trip voucher courtesy of Mayne Travel Services Ltd., and more!

Early participants also have the chance to win a second ticket! We will be raffling 49 tickets the morning of our first draw to early bird players! Don’t miss the opportunity to double your chances!

Over the past 17 years, the Annual Hospital Lottery has raised funds to ensure that the North Bay Regional Health Centre can continue to expand hospital services, develop new programs, and bring leading-edge medical technology and treatment to the people of North Bay and regional communities. Over $525,000 has been generated for your communities’ healthcare needs helping purchase essential medical equipment such as cardiac monitors, diagnostic imaging and cancer care equipment.

To purchase your $99 Annual Hospital Lottery ticket, complete and email the fillable PDF purchase form below, print the purchase form and mail to NBRHC Foundation, or give us a call.

2023 Hospital Lottery Instagram Post

  Contact Us

  NBRHC Foundation
  50 College Drive
  PO Box 2500
  North Bay, ON P1B 54A

  [email protected]

2025 Annual Hospital Lottery Buy Now Opportunity
(NBRHC Employees only)

For the 2025 Annual Hospital Lottery, NBRHC employees have the option to pay for their ticket through payroll deductions throughout 2024. Complete the 2025 NBRHC Payroll Deduction form below to sign up today!

2025 Draws

Draws take place Thursdays, bi-weekly at the NBRHC Foundation Office from January 23, 2025 to December 18, 2025.

Bi-weekly Prizes

  • 1st Prize: $500
  • 2nd Prize: $200
  • 3rd Prize: $100
  • 4th Prize: $50
  • 5th Prize $50 Gift Certificate

Lottery Licence No. M853351


Bonus Draws:

January 16 – $250 Cash
January 16 – $500 Gift Certificate courtesy of Tim Brazeau
January 23 – 49 Draws for Bonus Annual Hospital Lottery Tickets
February 6 – 1 Year Free Hospital Parking
February 6 – $1000 Cash
April 17 – $100 Grocery Gift Certificate
May 15 – Golf for 4 with carts, courtesy of Osprey Links
June 26 – $500 Cash
July 10 – 1 Year Free Hospital Parking
July 10 – $3000 Travel Voucher, courtesy of Mayne Travel Services 
October 10 – $100 Grocery Gift Certificate
December 11 – $1000 Cash

2024 Annual Hospital Lottery

The 17th Annual Hospital Lottery is still on!

Looking for a great gift for someone special or just want to treat yourself?
An Annual Hospital Lottery ticket is a great choice.

Only $99 and there are 185 chances to win cash and prizes including nine bonus draws. Bonus draws include a $3,000 Trip Voucher courtesy of Mayne Travel Services Ltd., 4 cash bonus prizes ($250, $500, & two $1,000 prizes); golf prize for 4 courtesy of Osprey Links; a $500 gift card courtesy of Jarrod Pandolfo Royal Lepage Sales Representative, two $100 grocery gift cards and two consolation bonus draws of free parking for a year valued at $600 (no cash value).  Like last year’s lottery, we will be drawing 49 prizes of a free 2024 NBRHC Foundation Lottery tickets, to be awarded before all other regular draws.

Over the past 16 years, the Annual Hospital Lottery has raised funds to ensure that the North Bay Regional Health Centre can continue to expand hospital services, develop new programs, and bring leading-edge medical technology and treatment to the people of North Bay and regional communities. Over $525,000 has been generated for your communities’ healthcare needs helping purchase essential medical equipment such as cardiac monitors, diagnostic imaging and cancer care equipment.

To purchase your Annual Hospital Lottery ticket, print the purchase form below and mail to NBRHC Foundation, or give us a call.

2023 Hospital Lottery Instagram Post

  Contact Us

  NBRHC Foundation
  50 College Drive
  PO Box 2500
  North Bay, ON P1B 54A

  [email protected]

Bonus Draws

Bi-weekly Prizes

  • 1st Prize: $500
  • 2nd Prize: $200
  • 3rd Prize: $100
  • 4th Prize: $50
  • 5th Prize $50 Gift Certificate

Lottery Licence No. M853144


Bonus Draws:

$3000 valued trip courtesy of Mayne Travel Services Ltd  – July 11, 2024
Two $1,000 Cash Prize – February 8 & December 12, 2024
Golf Prize for 4 courtesy of Osprey Links – May 16, 2024
$500 Bonus Cash Draw – June 27, 2024
$500 Early Bird Gift Card courtesy of Jarrod Pandolfo, Royal Lepage North Bay Sales  Representative – January 18, 2024
$250 Cash Early Bird Draw – January 18, 2024
Two $100 Grocery Gift Card for Easter & Thanksgiving – March 31 & October 14, 2024
Two 1-year free parking at the NBRHC – February 8 & July 11, 2024


Draws will take place bi-weekly in the Health Centre, Thursdays at 12:00 pm starting from January 25, 2024 and running until December 24, 2024.

Tickets are only $99, and there are only 999 available, so act fast!

 Methods of payment include payroll deduction (NBRHC employees only, cheque, credit card, or cash/interact. It will conclude the last pay in December 2023.)

Ticket Purchase Forms available at the NBRHC Foundation website and Foundation Office.

 Return your Ticket Purchase Form to the Foundation Office by mail or drop it off to the Foundation Office.

Check Out the Previous Lottery Winners